FKBP4 Break Apart FISH Probe

Empire Genomics’ FKBP4 Break Apart FISH Probe is designed to flank the FKBP4 gene and is typically used for detecting FKBP4 rearrangements such as translocations. This probe is FISH confirmed on normal peripheral blood metaphase spreads and interphase nuclei. The probe comes labeled in orange and green by default, but may be customized to meet your needs.

** This product is for in vitro and research use only. This product is not intended for diagnostic use.

Turnaround Time: 7-10 Business Days    Shipping Time: 1-2 Day Expedited Shipping

SKU Test Kits Buffer Dye Color Order Now
FKBP4BA-20-ORGR  (Standard Design) 20 (40 μL) 200 μL
FKBP4BA-20-AQOR 20 (40 μL) 200 μL
FKBP4BA-20-GOGR 20 (40 μL) 200 μL
FKBP4BA-20-GORE 20 (40 μL) 200 μL
FKBP4BA-20-GRGO 20 (40 μL) 200 μL
FKBP4BA-20-GROR 20 (40 μL) 200 μL
FKBP4BA-20-GRRE 20 (40 μL) 200 μL
FKBP4BA-20-REGO 20 (40 μL) 200 μL
FKBP4BA-20-REGR 20 (40 μL) 200 μL

Gene Summary

The protein encoded by this gene is a member of the immunophilin protein family, which play a role in immunoregulation and basic cellular processes involving protein folding and trafficking. This encoded protein is a cis-trans prolyl isomerase that binds to the immunosuppressants FK506 and rapamycin. It has high structural and functional similarity to FK506-binding protein 1A (FKBP1A), but unlike FKBP1A, this protein does not have immunosuppressant activity when complexed with FK506. It interacts with interferon regulatory factor-4 and plays an important role in immunoregulatory gene expression in B and T lymphocytes. This encoded protein is known to associate with phytanoyl-CoA alpha-hydroxylase. It can also associate with two heat shock proteins (hsp90 and hsp70) and thus may play a role in the intracellular trafficking of hetero-oligomeric forms of the steroid hormone receptors. This protein correlates strongly with adeno-associated virus type 2 vectors (AAV) resulting in a significant increase in AAV-mediated transgene expression in human cell lines. Thus this encoded protein is thought to have important implications for the optimal use of AAV vectors in human gene therapy. The human genome contains several non-transcribed pseudogenes similar to this gene. [provided by RefSeq, Sep 2008]

Gene Details

Gene Symbol: FKBP4

Gene Name: FK506 Binding Protein 4

Chromosome: CHR12: 2904107-2914587

Locus: 12p13.33

FISH Probe Protocols

Protocol, Procedure, or Form Name Last Modified Download

Delineation of human prostate cancer evolution identifies chromothripsis as a polyclonal event and FKBP4 as a potential driver of castration resistance

Prostate tumors have been shown to display marked genetic heterogeneity, which develops over the course of disease progression and contributes to treatment resistance. In this study, seven patients’ prostate tumors were genetically analyzed. Each patient contributed several biopsies, taken at different points during their clinical timeline. As part of genetic testing, our FKB4 FISH probes were used to detect FKB4 CNVs.

Product Details

Product: FKBP4 FISH Probe

Test Kits: 20 (40 μL)

ISH Buffer: 200 μL


Material Safety Data Sheet: MSDS.pdf

Turnaround Time: 7-10 Business Days

Shipping Time: 1-2 Day Expedited Shipping