GHRL-SEC13 Fusion FISH Probe

The GHRL-SEC13 Fusion FISH Probe is used to confirm a fusion of the GHRL and SEC13 genes. The fusion of the GHRL and SEC13 genes has been associated with Uterine Corpus Endometrial Carcinoma. These probes are FISH confirmed on normal peripheral blood in both interphase nuclei and metaphase spreads before shipment. Typical turnaround time for this product is 7-14 days after purchase.

** This product is for in vitro and research use only. This product is not intended for diagnostic use. Please note that both genes fall on the same chromosome and inter-chromosomal detection may be difficult to detect depending on the genes proximity to one another. Please consult our support staff before ordering this product to ensure that the probe can be designed to meet your specific needs.

Turnaround Time: 7-10 Business Days    Shipping Time: 1-2 Day Expedited Shipping

SKU Test Kits Buffer Dye Color Order Now
GHRL-SEC13-20-ORGR  (Standard Design) 20 (40 μL) 200 μL
GHRL-SEC13-20-RERE 20 (40 μL) 200 μL
GHRL-SEC13-20-REOR 20 (40 μL) 200 μL
GHRL-SEC13-20-REGO 20 (40 μL) 200 μL
GHRL-SEC13-20-REGR 20 (40 μL) 200 μL
GHRL-SEC13-20-REAQ 20 (40 μL) 200 μL
GHRL-SEC13-20-ORRE 20 (40 μL) 200 μL
GHRL-SEC13-20-OROR 20 (40 μL) 200 μL
GHRL-SEC13-20-ORGO 20 (40 μL) 200 μL
GHRL-SEC13-20-ORAQ 20 (40 μL) 200 μL
GHRL-SEC13-20-GORE 20 (40 μL) 200 μL
GHRL-SEC13-20-GOOR 20 (40 μL) 200 μL
GHRL-SEC13-20-GOGO 20 (40 μL) 200 μL
GHRL-SEC13-20-GOGR 20 (40 μL) 200 μL
GHRL-SEC13-20-GOAQ 20 (40 μL) 200 μL
GHRL-SEC13-20-GRRE 20 (40 μL) 200 μL
GHRL-SEC13-20-GROR 20 (40 μL) 200 μL
GHRL-SEC13-20-GRGO 20 (40 μL) 200 μL
GHRL-SEC13-20-GRGR 20 (40 μL) 200 μL
GHRL-SEC13-20-GRAQ 20 (40 μL) 200 μL
GHRL-SEC13-20-AQRE 20 (40 μL) 200 μL
GHRL-SEC13-20-AQOR 20 (40 μL) 200 μL
GHRL-SEC13-20-AQGO 20 (40 μL) 200 μL
GHRL-SEC13-20-AQGR 20 (40 μL) 200 μL
GHRL-SEC13-20-AQAQ 20 (40 μL) 200 μL

SEC13 Gene Summary

The protein encoded by this gene belongs to the SEC13 family of WD-repeat proteins. It is a constituent of the endoplasmic reticulum and the nuclear pore complex. It has similarity to the yeast SEC13 protein, which is required for vesicle biogenesis from endoplasmic reticulum during the transport of proteins. Multiple alternatively spliced transcript variants have been found. [provided by RefSeq, Oct 2008]

Gene Name: SEC13 Homolog, Nuclear Pore And COPII Coat Complex Component

Chromosome: CHR3: 10342614 -10362858

Locus: 3p25.3

GHRL Gene Summary

This gene encodes the ghrelin-obestatin preproprotein that is cleaved to yield two peptides, ghrelin and obestatin. Ghrelin is a powerful appetite stimulant and plays an important role in energy homeostasis. Its secretion is initiated when the stomach is empty, whereupon it binds to the growth hormone secretagogue receptor in the hypothalamus which results in the secretion of growth hormone (somatotropin). Ghrelin is thought to regulate multiple activities, including hunger, reward perception via the mesolimbic pathway, gastric acid secretion, gastrointestinal motility, and pancreatic glucose-stimulated insulin secretion. It was initially proposed that obestatin plays an opposing role to ghrelin by promoting satiety and thus decreasing food intake, but this action is still debated. Recent reports suggest multiple metabolic roles for obestatin, including regulating adipocyte function and glucose metabolism. Alternative splicing results in multiple transcript variants. In addition, antisense transcripts for this gene have been identified and may potentially regulate ghrelin-obestatin preproprotein expression. [provided by RefSeq, Nov 2014]

Gene Name: Ghrelin And Obestatin Prepropeptide

Chromosome: CHR3: 10327433 -10334631

Locus: 3p25.3

Gene Diseases

The GHRL SEC13 Fusion has been associated with the following diseases:

Disease Name
Uterine Corpus Endometrial Carcinoma

FISH Probe Protocols

Protocol, Procedure, or Form Name Last Modified Download

Customer Publications

There are currently no FISH related publications for this probe.