Questions can be emailed to You can also call us at (716) 856-3873 or 1 (800) 715-5880
Orders can be placed directly on our website, via email at, phone (716) 856-3873, or fax (716) 856-3857.
Custom probes have a turnaround time of 7-10 business days.
When a probe fails any stage of our quality control process, it will be automatically added to next week’s production. If it has failed twice, then an alternate clone should be selected.
Probes should be stored at -20oC and shielded from light. Avoid repeated freeze-thaw cycles.
All FISH probes have a guaranteed shelf life of 2 years from the date of manufacture.
RP-11 custom probes and control probes both contain enough quantity for 10 tests. Gene specific probe kits contain 20 tests.
Our FISH protocol can be found here along with other protocols and information, or you can download the protocol directly:
Our MSDS can be found here along with other protocols and information, or you can download the MSDS directly: